Pil Floating Pump Switch


Providing Reliable Pump Control

Pil Floating Pump Switch - Contents

When reliable pump control is a priority for your sump, sewage or septic system, make sure to install the Pil Floating Pump Switch. Engineered to last, the Pil Floating Pump Switch is encased in a durable, shatterproof housing, making it the best choice for pump control in any environment. It’s simple to install and fully adjustable making it easy to regulate fluid levels.


  • Self-contained, pre-assembled, and factory-sealed; easy to install

  • Shatterproof switch encased in durable factory-sealed (solvent welded) PVC housing

  • CSA approved, 1/2hp - 115v - 15amp

  • Plugs into a standard 115v outlet; pump plug

    piggybacks onto Pil’s in-series PB-15 plug*

  • Field-proven 16/2 SJ0W cord

  • Available in 5, 10, 15, 23 and 32-metre lengths

  • Adjustable weight allows the choice of pumping range to

    be changed at ground level**

  • 1-Year Warranty

* 230v applications require special considerations.

You can find more information regarding the Pil Floating Pump Switch by contacting the manufacturer.


  1. Determine the pump range desired according to the chart and slide the weighted clamp along the cord correspondingly.

  2. Suspend the float switch within the container of fluid

  3. Insert Pil plug (piggyback plug) into a grounded outlet, then plug the pump into the back of the piggyback plug.

  4. The system is now activated.

For complete fluid level monitoring, install a Pil Alarm System that will sound whenever an overflow threatens.

Product Photographs

Pil Floating Pump Switch - Contents

Pil Floating Pump Switch - Cable

Pil Floating Pump Switch - Power Adapter

Pil Floating Pump Switch - Contents

Pil Floating Pump Switch - Packaging

Pil Floating Pump Switch - Schematic